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Bathroom Remodeling Series - Insulation and Ventilation - Video 5

Installing insulation that offers excellent moisture control properties will minimize the possibility of vapor collecting under the insulation. For years we accomplished this by installing a 6 mil plastic vapor retarder over fiberglass insulation. What is SPF? Spray polyurethane foam is a heat-activated polymer that is sprayed into place, turns foamy, expands and then eventually hardens in place. The best part of SPF is that it fill all gaps and crevices that fiberglass insulation cannot reach, this sealing off air leaks in the process. Closed-cell and Open-Cell Spray Foam These are the two kinds of spray-foam insulation. Open-cell SPF is the lighter, less dense option; it is the cheaper of the two but has less insulating power (or a lower R-value). Open cell is not a good option to use in wet or moist areas as it can act like a sponge and actually retain moisture. Closed-cell SPF is denser and more expensive, it provides a more rigid support to certain structures, actually teasing things together. Closed-cell SPF is less permeable, and can be used as a water vapor barrier. Air leaks are areas of warm air leaking into your home during the summer and out of your home during the winter. Air leaks typically occur in the same spots on most houses. 
Spray foam fills cavities and blocks small holes that create air leaks in the buildings building envelope and as a result, is an effective vapor barrier and air leak sealer. lets talk ventilation, since the two go hand in hand. The only effective way to prevent mold is to attempt to keep indoor moisture levels low.  A properly vented bathroom shower ventilation fan can avoid this problem. Choosing The Best Exhaust Fan. Choose the quietest, most energy-efficient fan that will accomplish what you need. Many bathroom fans come as a 4 to 6 sone fan. Instead, look for a fan that is close to or at a 1.5 sone rating, which is a quiet fan. Determining Your Rooms Cubic Feet Per Minute [CFM’s] Before purchasing your fan, you need to make sure it can handle your bathroom needs.  That means you matching the fan CFMs to the size of your bathroom.  Determining the minimum CFM of your bathroom is easy, simply multiply the rooms width x Length x height x 0.13. Determine Air Exchange Per Hour [ACH’s] Air exchanges per hour means an air flow rate sufficient to remove the air volume in a given room at a specified number of times each hour. Your bathroom exhaust fan should be sized properly to have completely change out the air in the bathroom 11-15 changes in one hour. Locate your bathroom fan to ensure maximum most air extraction. Uninsulated, undersized, or droopy flex ducting, excessive length or elbows all affect and can restrict the fans rated airflow. In order to keep the fan effective, try to layout your installation with minimal turns.  One thing that people do not realize is that ninety degree elbows in your duct run is like adding 10-15 feet of air flow resistance. The best duct pipe to use is solid smooth aluminum. Solid duct pipe has a better airflow due to its low-resistance (smooth) exhaust ducting. When installing, seal the joints, install seams facing upward, and insulate sections that run through any unheated crawl spaces or attic spaces. It is recommended that a bath fan runs during, as well as,20 minutes after using the shower. One way to achieve this is through the use of a fan timer.

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